The Marathon Journey Begins

Feet up with Gavin & Stacy

Monday 6 January 2025

Week 1, Day 1: Rest Day

The first ‘official’ day of marathon training.

It’s here.

Another big, scary gulp.

Fortunately for me, Monday is my rest day so actually, Day 1 also turned out to be pretty straightforward. I don’t know what everyone is complaining about, this marathon ‘thing’ is easy!

Usually on a Monday, mainly because I have some extra time (which I now realise is because it’s a rest day), I go to the gym. However, yesterday’s non-official-marathon-training-but-feels-quite-like-marathon-training-long-run had been a 26 km Mixed Pace Long Run:

1 km Warm Up

4 x
(3 km Steady (4:40-5:00/km)
2 km @ Marathon Pace (4:00-4:10/km)
1 km @ Threshold Pace (3:45/km))

1 km Cool Down

 So my legs were pretty battered and needed a proper rest. I have also decided that, as rest is really important, during marathon training a rest day is a rest day is a rest day.

I’m actually pretty bad at rest days. Rather than revelling in a night lying on the sofa, catching up on the Traitors, I get fidgety and go to the gym (which includes 20-30 mins of cycling there and back), or go for a long walk or something equally ‘unrestful’.

Rob often says that rather than having a daily step goal, we should have a daily step maximum, we do so much.

But today, rest I did.

Instead of running, Rob and I had a ‘fun’-filled evening consisting of ‘renewing the mortgage’. Tell me more, I hear you shout. If that doesn’t sound fun enough, we then froze our butts off measuring our drive in the dark so we could order an Asguard Bike Shed before their 10% off New Year Sale offer ended tomorrow. Cue a lot of associated panic about whether our bikes would fit (me) and which side the hinges should be on (also me). I know, we really know how to party on a rest day.